The Extraordinary Mark Twain (According to Susy)- Bluebonnet Nominee

This is an amazing book that recounts the life of Mark Twain through the eyes of his 13 year old daughter Susy.  Mark Twain is known for being a humorist and author, but his Susy knew him as a father and one year kept a journal that told of his life through her eyes.  She was honest and when her journal is discovered, her father is flattered.  Throughout that year she writes about their family life, but then mysteriously stops writing in it and in fact, it is in mid sentence.  Her father treasured the journal and more so after her death at the age of 24. 
The Extraordinary Mark Twain (According to Susy) is a touching book that displays the thoughts and feelings of a 13 year old daughter of her famous and very mysterious father.  I absolutely enjoyed reading this book.


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