Years of Dust The Story of the Dust Bowl

The true and heartbreaking stoey of the Dust Bowl that ravaged the United States in the 1930s is captured in this book that chronicals the events that took place with powerful picures.  The photos show the destruction caused by the overfarming of the land and the effects it had onthe people.  Families lived in the constant wind of dirt that spread all over the Great Plains and seeped into their homes and caked them in not only dirt but poverty.  Finally, Franklin Roosevelt became president and passed new laws that assisted the people.  The people then realized that they needed to take care of the land farmers were taught how to rotae crops and ways to cultivate the land to avaid future dust bowls.
Although the Dust Bowl as tragic many lessons were learned and the photos in this book capture the anguish and pain suffered by so many Americans during those awful years.


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