The Strange Case of Origami Yoda- Bluebonnet Nominee

I skipped school today..,which I never do, but I was really feeling under the weather.  Anyway I decided to get started on another book while I was home and actually read The Strange Case of Orgami Yoda in about an hour.  I was reluctant to read it at first because well... I don't like orgami or Yoda or anything Star Wars.  My son read it and liked it so I thought I would give it a try.  I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN.  I was laughing the entire time.  The main character, Tommy, is a 6th grade boy who is seeking the assistance of a origami Yoda that Dwight has made and carries around on his finger. He actually has a voice for the puppet.  Each chapter is a case file from students who have sought the advice of the Yoda and it either was helpful or was a complete disaster. 
I like Dwight because he reminds me of Dwight from 'The Office" a sitcom on NBC.  I wonder if it was a coincindence that the characters have the same name and are both so strange?   I loved the way he didn't make any sense with his responses, but the students turned his words around to fit their needs.  I am predicting this book as a  Bluebonnet winner for 2012!


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